Thich Nhat Hanh
Hakuin, a Japanese master of the Rinzai Zen sect, used to ask his disciples,
"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
This is a kung-an.
One reflects; one wants to know what is the sound emitted by one hand.
Is there a profound significance hidden in this question?
If not, why has Hakuin asked the question?
If there is, how can we get at it?
線路をつねに眼の前に見ながら、それにむかって疾走する列車のように、私たちの知性はつねに自分の前に論理的な原理(logical principles)をつくって、それにしたがって真理を探究しようとします。
Like a train that always sees the rail in front of it and rushes forward, our intellect tries to establish logical principles ahead of itself while engaging in the search for truth.
Suddenly, the rails are removed.
私たちの習慣の力(habit-energy)はそれでも、想像上の線路(imaginary rails)をつくって、知性という列車がこれまでのように走りつづけられるようにしようとします。
Our habit-energy still tries to establish imaginary rails so that the train of the intellect can rush forward,
but watch out!
To continue this way is to fall into the abyss!
「片手の音(the sound of one hand)とは何だ」
"What is the sound of one hand?"
こういう問いは、列車の前にある線路を切断する斧(the ax)なのです。
Such a question is the ax that cuts the rails in front of the train --
それは私たちのなかにある概念化の癖(the habit of conceptualization)を破壊します。
it destroys the habit of conceptualization in us.
If the fruit is ripe, if our spirit is well prepared,
この斧の一振り(ax-blow)は、「死人のように生きる(live like a corpse)」世界に長年私たちを縛りつけていた束縛から私たちを解き放ち、生きた真実の核心へと連れもどすことができます。
this ax-blow will be able to liberate us from the ties that have bound us for so many years to the world where we "live like a corpse" andbring us to the heart of living reality.
しかし、もしこういう問いを受けとる準備ができていなければ、虚しい概念の世界(the world of concepts)の旅を依然としてつづけることでしょう。
But if we are not ready to receive it, we will continue our journey through the world of concepts.
The question is right in front of us,
"What is the sound of one hand?"
We speculate as much as we can, we imagine this famous "sound of one hand" in a thousand different ways,
and what we find we present to the master with the hope of receiving his approval.
But the master always says "No!"
We are at an impasse, on the point of losing our mind,
実は自分自身への立ちもどり(the return to ourself)がはじまるのは、まさにその恐ろしいほどの危機的瞬間においてなのです。
and it is exactly at this point that the return to ourself begins.
そのとき、「隻手の音声」は私たちの全存在(the whole being)をまぶしいほどに照らす太陽となります。
At that moment, "the sound of one hand" can become a sun that dazzles our whole being.
禅への鍵 〈新装版〉
Zen Keys: A Guide to Zen Practice
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