“An Introduction to Zen Buddhism
The articles collected here were originally written for the New East, which was published in Japan during the 1914 War under the editorship of Mr.Robertson Scott.
The editor suggested publishing them in book-form, but I did not feel like doing so at that time.
Later, they were made the basis of the First Series of my Zen Essay (1927), which, therefore, naturally cover more or less the same ground.
Recently, the idea came to me that the old papers might be after all reprinted in book-form.
The reason is that my Zen Essays is too heavy for those who wish to have just a little preliminary knowledge of Zen.
Will not, therefore, what may be regarded as an introductory work be welcomed by some of my foreign friends?
With this in view I have gone over the entire MS., and whatever inaccuracies I have come across in regard to diction as well as the material used have been corrected.
While there are quite a few points I would like to see now expressed somewhat differently, I have left them as they stand, because their revision inevitably involves the recasting the entire context.
So long as they are not misrepresenting, they may remain as they were written.
If the book really serves as a sort of introduction to Zen Buddhism, and leads the reader up to the study of my other works, the object is attained. No claim is made here for a scholarly treatment of the subject-matter.
なほ本書の姉妹篇として ”The Manual of Zen Buddhist Monk(邦語版『禅堂の修業と生活』1934)”, “Manual of Zen Buddhism
The companion book, Manual of Zen Buddhism, is recommended to be used with this Introduction.
D. T. S.
Kamakura, August 1934
鎌倉にて 鈴木大拙